Saturday, April 9, 2011

everyone's heart, belongs to someone

“and if your lucky in this life.. you will be “that” person for the one who has yours…”

i must admit, you still have the biggest part of my heart, i still care for you and you are still that special. but, its different now. i moved on, i tried hard enough to get over you, to get over the pain that you have done in me. if you only know how much pain you have caused and how much i suffer, and how much courage and strength i put up just to get back up again. its never easy, i have come so far now to go back. time make me stronger. this time i realized so many things in my life, i deserved so much better than being hurt over and over again.

if you want me back, prove it. show me how much you want it to work out. because this time its not easy for you to win me back. atleast prove to me the you are worth it, again. because right now, i feel like, i dont want you back. you are right, im just cautious. but not only that, im also scared. im scared to take you back because i know that you’re going to hurt me again, and somehow lose me again and im scared that when that happen, you will gonna lose me forever. and i dont know if i can still handle such thing again. i dont want that to happen. but im not closing any possibilities, you are like my bestfriend and consider you still that way right now, we’ve been in so many things and i value you so much. and i know if we are meant to be together, somehow things will work out in time. just this time, lets find our own life. breath. and if ever that someday that time will bring us back together, lets fall inlove again. and if not, lets just be thankful that once in our life we find each other, and for the love that we have and let just cherish our memories that we create together. i still love you, i always will. and im always here for you. remember that.

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